Friday, November 4, 2016

Five On Friday ~ Life With Lil

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NO EDITS NOVEMBER 2016 Challenge: Day Two

It's Friday!

Here are 5 random things happening in this 52 year olds day:

1. Must get haircut. Note to self: No more self-inflicted haircuts, find a salon!
2. Managed to get up by 12:00 noon!
3. I made a delicious soup!
4. Add dishwasher detergent to shopping list.
5. Have lunch for the first time in ages.

Bonus: I get to use one of my kids' cereal bowls. Hello, Tony the Tiger,* you're GREAT!

* Kelloggs Frosted Flakes ( delicious, but not a sponsor.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

I Made A Plan

This blog post is brought to you by:

THIS IS FIFTY WITH LIL's YouTube Channel NO EDITs Challenge: Day Two

Today I made a plan... a vague one anyway.
I hope I can stick with it. I hope to improve upon it.

I Made A List

This blog post is brought to you by:

THIS IS FIFTY WITH LIL's YouTube Channel NO EDITs Challenge: Day One

Yesterday, I made a list of ten easy to do tasks. I think it's a good list.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

This Is Fifty With Lil ~ Third Sunday

Ah, here we are: new home, new town, new state... same ol' same ol'. ATTN: @TI50WL blog and This Is Fifty With Lil YouTube Channel have been interrupted for the following reason: Hmmm, what to say? Not much today? So, if you have about a minute... literally, 59 seconds... watch this: ~ By L. Carilo, 2016
And, in @YouTube fashion, don't forget to comment, like and subscribe!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Friday, April 1, 2016

11:01 PM

I've been taking a break from stuff... I think I'm done now.

Here is a list of short term plans:

Today ~

1. Cut my hair in the bathroom tonight.

Tomorrow ~

1. Begin to rebuild some sort of wardrobe that will make me look presentable for College Girl's graduation day.

That's a start.